Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Bride & Groom

Probably one of my favourite wedding photographer's of all-time has to be Yervant. I guess the best way to describe his work is "inspiring"! He's an Australian photographer that is recognized world wide and has won several awards for his imagery. I would describe his work as "fashion-art". His ability to capture moody, sexy, innovative, and captivating images is what attracts me to his style. He's not afraid to take a couple and create an image that you might see on the cover of a Harlequin Romance novel! Other times, he keeps things simply; like in this image below. What I like about this image of the Bride & Groom is that although they are 'in a moment' on their own, Yervant has managed to reference his brand (fashion-art) with the Mona Lisa on the wall. To me, the overall colour and feel of the image gives you the warm feeling that they are being watched-over and will be taken care of in their life-long journey. Yervant's images are well worth checking out. Visit him at www.yervant.com.

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